Saturday, 14 April 2012

Hurry hurry! Bonanza bonanza at TFC. Buy a piece of beef with your meal and get a free dental appointment! That was the sign I saw in blinking lights in my head generated by the instant pain caused when I bit hard on the beef I had ordered just this morning.

While hard at work this morning (on a Saturday morning of all days…what we do for money…), I got really hungry and decided to go to my trusted TFC across the street at oyinjola yemi. The first thing that hit me was the inconvenience in entering into the building. The building is undergoing a facelift and had painters hanging on over the front painting away. I saw nothing stopping the paint from dropping on my head so I had to watch carefully as I tried to enter without unwillingly given a new paint job. But that was very brief and the cool ambience of the interior immediately welcomed me and I grew comfortable once again. I arrived at the counter and ordered white rice, beef and some pieces of plantain and a bottle of mirinda. I settled in to enjoy my meal and enjoyed it until I got to the beef. I took my knife to cut in and ended up spilling my drink. So hard was the beef that cutting into it shook the table so hard. I immediately picked up my drink and resumed cutting into the beef. Finally I had a piece cut out and popped it into my mouth. The sign I spoke about popped into my head at the first bite. I want to believe that although we humans are also classed under carnivores, there is a distinct difference between us and the hyenas in the wild. How anyone could serve such quality of meat is beyond me. I could not go beyond the first bite because of the pain reverberating through my jaw. 

I believe there should be a different section just for meat with tags above each such as “very hard beef”, “hard beef”, “medium beef”, “soft beef”…or something else but it’s essential that anyone getting food should not be given a teeth-death sentence.I really have nothing to say about the rice and plantain, but wait oh, this na plantain chips.
Well, am hanging out with the guys this evening, hoping to have something for you guys soon. 

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