Tuesday, 24 July 2012


"Its not funny joor. Why should I eat my breakfast at 3pm? I only realised this when my lunch came late."
"I admire you to be the serious, no joke food kind of person but my visit has said otherwise." Those were the words of Floyd in my head. I stood, picked my supposed breakfast and went to the office kitchen to eat. Its 6pm and I'm hungry. Thankfully, I have food. I picked my supposed lunch and headed once again to the office kitchen.
"Not again! Rice! Vegetable salad! Ahn ahn! It's even poorly made."
For the love of food, the kitchen is not a chemistry lab to experiment biochemical mixtures for your stomach. It is a haven to soothe your taste buds, satisfy your appetite and get great value for money well spent.
You know what? I am not going to eat this poison  bought with my money. Straight to the trash!
Dinner as usual was pasta and chicken sours. "Them swear for me with carbohydrate?"
So hungry, I laid my fragile stomach on my lovely chocolate duvet...
"That's it!!!
Agege bread with warm milk. YES! Akara (beans ball) to go with it. YES!"
Only the love of food gave me the strength to drag myself out in search of Agege bread and Akara ball.
This is evil. I always see Agege bread being hawked around and I laugh at people eating it because of its bromate content. But here I'm craving, looking for it yet can't find it. Where is an Agege bread when you need one? Sigh...
I ransacked my area for 45min, combed all the nooks and crannies before finally finding one. How ridiculous can this be? What's the difference between a 70naira and an 80naira Agege bread? Oh My Dog, how soft it feels. So succulent. Feels like I'm pressing... Never mind.
Is the bromate added to make it soft? Why is bromate a killer? Would this cure my craving after knowing am eating poison? Who cares joor... life is too short. Finally, I am home with one 70naira loaf and 80naira loaf. I really want to know the difference.
"Are there mopol's in front of Underground?", Paolo asked me. When a man craves for food, this is the outcome. I had my sadine and butter, marshed together, chopped onions into tiny bits, spread pure honey on my Agege bread and also my biochemical mixture. There was a drink of warm treated milk. Having a bit of my lovely Agege bread and sip of my warm milk
Trust me, I am waiting for your comment when you don't try this at home. I want to be selfish and mean, to know how it feels and taste alone.

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